Alone for the Holidays

Alone for the Holidays

Every couple of years, I develop this sudden need to chop off all my hair. Unfortunately for me, it never happens in the summer. The middle of winter is always when I decide I need to remove all my natural head insulation....

The Big Time-Sucking Black Hole of Internet Dating

The Big Time-Sucking Black Hole of Internet Dating

Sometimes I think the best part of OkCupid is rejecting people.


Let me clarify...I hate rejecting people face-to-face, and I hate rejecting people once I’ve gotten to know them at all. But the skeezy guy who sends me a gross or pointless message because he happens to see I’m online at 7:00pm on a Friday? I love how easy it is to shut that down.

Occasionally I get a message that’s actually crude or offensive. Much more often I get...